How Veza Wellness Was Born


How Veza Wellness Was Born

Many people ask me why I chose the name “Veza Wellness” for my integrative health coaching business. Veza is actually a Serbian word that means connection. (Anyone who knows me knows that I love my Serbian heritage!!).  So then, why “connection?!”  Well, throughout my time working in the conventional healthcare industry, I noticed 3 serious gaps in the system–

1) The lack of a connection (VEZA!) between healthcare practitioners and their patients.  It’s hard to expect patients to make serious lifestyle changes that will benefit their health when they only get 5 minutes (or less!) of time to spend face to face with their doctor.  Patients deserve more, and they certainly need more to improve their health – they need a practitioner that can take the time to educate them, guide them, provide them with individualized recommendations, and hold them accountable for following through. That’s my goal with Veza Wellness and as an Integrative Health Practitioner.  I know very well that MDs want to do everything they can to help their patients, but the unfortunate truth is that our modern medical system doesn’t allow them to do that optimally.  What I LOVED about being an athletic trainer was that I could truly connect and help my “patients” (my athletes!) on so many levels because I got to spend so much time with them (sometimes TOO much time!! If you’re an athletic trainer, you know what I mean!), which allowed me to get to know them inside & out - and that was one thing I wanted to carry forward with me into my health coaching practice!

 2) Another serious gap in conventional healthcare is the complete disregard for the connection (VEZA!) between each and every system in the body.  Contrary to what modern conventional medicine leads us to believe, your body doesn’t work as separate systems (ie. cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, pulmonary, nervous, etc.) – instead, these systems all work as one INTEGRATED, complex system that requires balance and gentle, natural support & guidance in the right direction.  The complexity and intricacies of our bodies in regard to its structure and function are downright unimaginable – like the way that our thoughts can affect our gut microbiome or the way that a stressful event can trigger an epigenetic change that could alter the genetic expression of our future children!!  I truly believe that our bodies are equipped with the innate hardware & software to heal itself.  I also truly believe that, because of that complexity, man cannot create anything better to heal the body than the complex materials that God & nature have provided for us – especially food!

 3) The last serious gap I noticed in conventional medicine is the disregard for the connection (VEZA!) between a state of suboptimal health & a disease state.  According to conventional medical doctors, you’re either healthy or you have a diagnosable disease – there’s not much of a connection between the 2 or an “in between” zone.  If you are “in between,” well then there isn’t much that conventional medicine can or will do for you.  This is very unfortunate, because SO many of our modern diseases are lifestyle related and completely preventable, if only they were addressed during the “in between!” (or just prevented from the start).  Think of a diagnosable disease as your body’s “boiling point:”

 Conventional medicine doesn’t intervene until your body is at this theoretical “boiling point” and doesn’t address the existence or importance of the impaired physiology that is present in your body prior to it reaching its boiling point.

Think about it like this… water doesn’t boil until it reaches 212 degrees and there’s minimal visible changes in the water until it reaches or gets very close to its 212 degree boiling point.  But guess what?!  The water cannot go from room temperature to 212 directly, just as your body cannot go from optimal health to a disease state directly (other than exceptions like viral & bacterial infections)!  Disease must be cultivated over time, just as water must be continuously heated and it must pass each and every degree there between until it reaches its boiling point. It’s not just cold one instant and hot the next! This is exactly how disease works in your body.  It builds up little by little, until it reaches its boiling point and becomes a diagnosable disease.  It doesn’t just happen overnight!! Yet, conventional medicine severely discounts this idea to the point where it is virtually ignored.

What if you “turned off the heat” in your body before it reached its boiling point? What you if you “turned off the heat” and allowed your body to heal and return to room temperature?  Instead, conventional medicine waits until your body reaches its boiling point to intervene, only to provide prescription medications that cover the symptoms of the disease, never thinking to “turn off the heat” or “move the pot off the stove” & provide an environment that allows the water to cool down and your body to HEAL!!

THIS, my friends, is why VEZA WELLNESS is here to CONNECT these glaring disconnects in the way we care for our health!! It’s time to take control of your health… NOW!!

Here for you,



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